Exterior Excavation

Exterior Excavation Waterproofing

If you're looking to protect your home from basement flooding and foundation damage, our Exterior Excavation service is the ideal solution. With professional expertise and efficient techniques, we ensure long-lasting waterproofing for a healthy and safe living environment.

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Our Exterior Excavation Services

Drain Tile Installation and Repair

This service involves installing or repairing drain tiles to improve water drainage around the foundation. Properly functioning drain tiles prevent basement flooding and protect the foundation from water damage.

Sump Pit and Pump Installation

A sump pit and pump system collects and removes excess water from the basement, preventing flooding and water damage. Installing a sump pit and pump is an effective solution for managing groundwater and maintaining a dry basement.

excavation machine at work

Foundation Wall Waterproofing

This service provides a protective barrier on the exterior of the foundation walls, preventing water infiltration. Waterproofing your foundation walls ensures a dry and healthy basement & reduces the risk of structural issues

Remedying Pre-1970 Drain Tile Connections

For homes built before 1970, drain tiles may be connected to sanitary sewers, posing a risk of costly damages in case of sewer backups. This service involves updating these connections to comply with modern standards and reduce potential hazards.

Protects the Foundation

from Water Damage

Exterior excavation helps in identifying and resolving issues related to drain tile and foundation walls, effectively protecting your home's foundation from potential water damage and ensuring its structural integrity.


Basement Flooding

By addressing drainage problems and waterproofing foundation walls, exterior excavation services prevent water from entering your basement, thereby reducing the risk of flooding and protecting your valuable belongings.

Reduces Risk

of  Costly Repairs

Proactively addressing water and drainage issues through exterior excavation can save you from expensive repairs in the future. By investing in preventative measures, you can avoid potential damage and protect your home in the long run.

Our Process


Upon receiving your contract, our estimator creates a detailed work order for the field team, highlighting project specifics. The Operations Manager reviews the contract and work order, ensuring nothing is overlooked, and confirms details with you while assigning  an estimated wait time.


Once the contract is signed we'll start the project in the scheduled time communicated. Our skilled team excavates the problem area down to the footing, ensuring proper access to the foundation. A new drain tile is carefully installed to enhance water management and prevent future issues.


We apply an Air-Gap membrane from grade level down to the footing and over the tile. This membrane is sealed on the top and sides to effectively prevent water and silt infiltration, ensuring a waterproof barrier for your foundation.


We place 6-8 inches of drainage stone over the tile before backfilling with native soil. Filter fabric is installed over the drainage stone to prevent silt from entering the new tile. Excess soil is left above the trench to allow for settling.

Our Business Is Basements, Our Foundation Is People! ®

We Turn Wet, Damp Basements Into Comfortable, Odourless Living Spaces


  • Is a new sump pump recommended?

    The reliability of our waterproofing system depends on the effectiveness of the sump pump in removing accumulated water. Installing or upgrading a sump pump during the excavation process is highly recommended, as it can prevent basement flooding and provide you with peace of mind for years to come. Investing a small amount now can save you from potential costly repairs in the future. It is important to note that declining a sump pump installation may affect your warranty coverage.

  • What if they find some unknown problem once they start digging?

    When excavating, there is always a risk of encountering unforeseen problems. Most issues are minor and can be addressed without notifying the homeowner. However, some problems may require additional work or costs, such as plugged weeping tiles or finding no weeping tiles at all, which might necessitate installing a sump pump. In these cases, your Estimator will discuss the issue with you and recommend the appropriate course of action. If we cannot contact you, the problem will be documented and photographed, and we will take the necessary steps to address the issue as economically as possible without compromising the quality of your repair work.

  • Is the fill compacted, and will excess dirt be removed?

    Proper compaction of the fill would require compacting in very thin layers, which can be time-consuming and costly. Instead, we recommend allowing the ground to settle naturally. Soil and weather conditions greatly impact the amount of soil left over after the project. To expedite settling, we suggest running a garden hose over the soil every few days to accelerate the settling process. Our pricing includes the removal of fill equal to the volume of drainage stone added to the excavation. If you require additional soil added or removed after the work is completed, please contact your Estimator for an additional fee.

  • What if something gets damaged or broken during the repair process?

    If any damage occurs as a result of an error or omission on the part of our employees, we will cover the cost of repairs to restore the affected area to its previous condition. However, damage resulting from age or normal wear and tear will be the responsibility of the owner, as well as any damage that is a direct consequence of the repair process. We strive to minimize property damage and perform a final clean-up to address any mess created during the excavation. Still, you may need to do some additional raking and clean-up afterward, including hosing off walkways and patios.

    For over three decades, DryBasements.com has been the trusted partner for basement repair and waterproofing services in Woodstock and surrounding areas in Ontario.

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